

日期: 9 9 月, 2022 目录: 会员专区 会员快报

公 司 简 介

成立于2019年,瀚嘉资产管理有限公司是一家注册在新加坡、持有新加坡金管局颁发的基金管理牌照的资产管理公司。侧重于亚洲新兴市场的投资,为机构和合格投资者提供基金管理和资产管理服务。五位创始人平均拥有17 年的在中国、新加坡、美国等地区的投资及风险管理经验。

Founded in 2019, First Plus is a Singapore-based, MAS-licensed multi-asset investment manager focused on investing in emerging Asia, offering fund management services to accredited/institutional investors. The firm was founded by five seasoned investment professionals with averagely over 17 years investment and risk management experience in global institutions across China, Singapore, and the United States.

主 要 业 务



Rooted in fundamental analysis, valuation discipline and primacy of risk control, we strive to deliver superior risk adjusted returns. With initial focus on Emerging Asia, First Plus currently adopts valuation driven equity investment approach and asset based private credit investment approach.

主 要 市 场


With initial focus on Emerging Asia, First Plus considers China and Southeast Asia two of the most important markets. By strategically located in the financial center of Southeast Asia, First Plus can have direct access to the regional market. By setting up subsidiaries in China and been approved for “Bond Connect” and “Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor”(QFII) qualifications, First Plus has obtained full access to the China market.


联 系 我 们

地址:8 Marina View, #36-02 Asia Square Tower 1,S018960





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